Little T
Little T Squares Square Dance Club

LogoKnoxville Area's Largest Club

Little T Squares was named for the nearby Little Tennessee River. In addition to being the largest club in the Knoxville area, we are the largest in the state of Tennessee. Our meetings are held at the Memorial Hall just outside of Knoxville in Lenoir City.


In addition to local callers we bring in national and international callers to provide a fun variety of experiences. Recently we've had Mike Sikorsky and Jack Pladdys, just to name a few.

Tennessee Volunteer Spirit

To put-on a top-notch square dance program thoughout the year takes a lot of volunteers. We are blessed to have dozens of people willing to volunteer as and to help with specific activities.



Learn to Square Dance

We run classes every year for people wanting to learn square dancing. Click on the Learning to Square Dance button for more details.

A Little T History

The Little T Squares had its first square dance back in 1976. Our first caller back then was Ron Marion.

Our current club caller is international caller Steve Kopman.