Little T
Little T Squares Square Dance Club

*** Here's the flyer for our next dance. Below that is more information ***


Some of our Upcoming Dances

Apr 18
** Special Event **
Tag the Line for Our 49! Happy 49th Anniversary!
Caller: Jack Pladdys
Cuer: Judy Barnhill
* Starts at 7:00 pm
* Admission: $8

Fun and Friendship
Set to Music

That's what the Little T Squares is all about. Named for the nearby Little Tennessee River, Little T Squares is the largest square dance club in the Knoxville area, as well as the largest in Tennessee. Our members range in age from kids to senior adults.

We host a dance every 3rd Friday at the Memorial Building in Lenoir City. Occasionally we have special events where we have dancers from all around East Tennessee, lots of special food, and great fun.

You can learn more about the Little T Squares by clicking on the About Us button.


Square Dance Music

People square dance to all types of music from Country Western to 50's to pop. Any song with a steady beat works fine. Square dance callers sing part of the song and mix in square dance calls while doing it.

See What Square Dancing is About

Head on over to our Picture Gallery and check out all the fun people are having. There is a video at the bottom of the gallery menu that will show you what one of our dances is like.

Click the video links below to hear what dancers think about today's square dancing.
She says
He says
They say

Why is Everyone Square Dancing?

Do you enjoy people, want to increase your circle of friends, like to party and enjoy all kinds of music and dancing? Want to participate in an easy form of fun and healthy exercise where you'll work up a smile instead of a sweat? Then you would love being part of today's fastest growing form of social dancing: MODERN SQUARE DANCING!

Yes, we still Do Si Do, but we also Slip the Clutch, Back Track and Scoot Back. These steps and more will get your "Boots a scootin'" across the dance floor on your very first night. So come on, join the fun - Couples, Singles and Families are all invited. Dancers

"But I can't dance." Someone once said it should be called "square walking" rather than "square dancing" because you mainly walk in patterns from one place to another. Everyone messes-up at one point or another which leads to laughing and working together to get back on track.

Still not convinced? Check out what square dancing is all about.